I cannot believe the day is finally here! I am writing my very first blog post on WITCH SAID WHAT! For those of you taking a gander at this very first entry, I just want to say welcome and that I am thrilled you have decided to stop by. I am sure you have a lot of questions, so let's just get started with an introduction.
My name is Katie or Salt (which is a name I received in the witchcraft community after running a pretty well-known blog by the name of SaltwaterWitchery.) I am a thirty-year-old witch living in the South. By day, I am journalist and social media coordinator for a small town newspaper. By night -- I wear many hats. I am an artist, writer, crafter, and musician; I am a lover of good books, history, cardigans, coffee, and autumn. I have been known to play a video game or two, and I do adore anime. You can also find me watching anything about ghosts and spooky/abandoned places.
I am an extrovert to the fullest extent (ENFP for those of you who are into that sorta thing.) My natal chart says that I am a Virgo Sun, Virgo Moon, Aquarius Rising. I was born on the Autumn Equinox. My favorite colors are teal and emerald. I have two puppies and a cat, none of which are familiars in any way, shape, or form. (They are very cute, though, and give magical cuddles.) I am in love with wonderful partner, too!
However, I feel like I should specify what I am not before we get into the nitty-gritty of this entire blog. I will list these to make them easier on everyone.
I do not believe that magic or witchcraft is a hocus pocus way of fixing your problems. In fact, my definition of magic and what I teach in a class called Witchcraft 101 is that magic is all about channeling your own internal energy, raising it, marrying it with the energy of the natural world around you, and then using that energy for whatever purpose you desire.
I do not worship the devil/Satan, or any other deities/higher powers. Along with that, I do not believe I am going to hell no matter how many times someone says it to me.
I am not a Wiccan, I do not worship the Goddess, and I do not follow the Threefold Law. Not all witches are Wiccan -- a common misconception that I will be getting into later.
I do not hate Christians or any other religious peoples. I am pretty accepting of the different belief systems, spiritual practices, and religions. As long as people aren't hurting others, have at it.
I am sure there will be more misinformation I will need to clear up later on, but for now I think that covers a good portion of it.
Why did I create this blog? To share the magic of my daily life, create resources for new (and experienced) witches, to answer questions, to store thoughts, to record memories and momentous occasions, and to break down barriers of misunderstanding and fear. (The image above was what inspired me!)
Why is the blog named WITCH SAID WHAT? I like names that are a little tongue-in-cheek. So many times, I have run into people who balk at me after I tell them I am a witch. They get this look on their face like, "What in the world did she say? Is she crazy?" I find it funny and thought it would be a pretty clever name.
How long have I been a witch? I was raised Catholic from infancy. I was baptized a bit after I was born and raised in a small town Catholic church. Most of my family attended Mass every Sunday. From the first through sixth grade, I attended Catholic school and I was taught by nuns from Malta. Eventually, I was confirmed in the Catholic church at my family's behest...but it never felt right. My interest in a certain area of witchcraft began around the age of 13.
During those first few years of solitary exploration, I kept pretty quiet about my growing fascination with alternative spiritual paths. This was in the early 2000s, when the Left Behind series, Christian rock concerts, and being a Jesus Freak were all the rage. (I'll probably talk about this a little later on as well.)
When I went to college, I was really able to discover a lot more about witchcraft, its history, and my understanding of my path and the world around me grew. I stopped pretending to be the thing I wasn't and just accepted who I was.
What kind of witch am I? That's a pretty difficult question to answer. Most of the time, I just say I am an eclectic witch, but my interests fall into:
sea and storm witchery
folk, southern, granny traditions
death, funeral, spirit, and afterlife studies
holistic remedies and energy healing
As you can see, there is no certain avenue I really lean towards. I used to practice more specific paths, but as I have gotten older, I have found that pigeonholing myself narrows my view.
What will you find on this blog? A little bit of everything really.
MUNDANE: I am an artist, so you can expect photos that I take, art that I create, and crafts/DIYs I am working on. I love to write -- poetry and fiction, mostly. I am a bit obsessed with music and books, and I will definitely make recommendations for y'all. I am into getting healthy and creating recipes that help with my PCOS/lifestyle.
MAGICAL: As mentioned, I love writing. I come up with spells, incantations, and prayers all the time. I am also into witch aesthetic and creating spaces that are both functional and magic-friendly. You'll also find some witchy craft projects and readings I give people. My choices are pretty limitless!
I am very excited to see where this journey takes us. I urge you to keep an open mind, and if you have any questions, please let me know! You can message me here on the blog, over email, or find me on my social media accounts.
Let's make some magic!