In case y'all didn't know:
Over the summer, I took a bit of a hiatus. And you are probably like, "Girl, that's what you said the last time." But hear me out, okay? There was a lot going on. And I mean A LOT.
I parted ways with a friend.
I was sick as a dog.
My energy was at an all-time low.
I started a new job.
And then things started getting better.
I need some time away. I need time for reflection. And I really needed to find motivation. Because here is the deal: I can't do this for recognition. I can't do this to be seen. I need to do this because it is a labor of love and I enjoy it.
With that being said, I am sorry for dropping y'all like I did. I am so inspired to kick autumn off with new blog posts, podcast episodes, and Youtube videos. So, if you haven't yet, be sure to hit all of those bad boys up, and let's get onto the most important subject:
My birthday.
Ya girl turned 32-years-old on September 22 this year. Lots of new changes have been happening since my birthday, including kicking my exercise routine back into high gear and holding myself more accountable for the projects I take on. 32 feels like it is going to be a great year so far; I'm happy to start it off right with a blog post about the awesome witchy presents I received. (Of course, I received some mundane things like a GORGEOUS dress my mom and I found on sale; tickets to see Celine Dion on October 22; the James Charles eye shadow palette which I am obsessed with.)
So, I thought I would show you what I received. (Click on them for more details!) Not pictured is a new Tarot deck arriving soon!
Stay tuned this week for a Youtube video (out on Wednesday) and a new podcast episode (out on Friday and available where ever you listen to podcasts!)
My Witchy Shit notebook by Soul Witch Journals
Light Magic for Dark Times by Lisa Marie Basile
Witches Brew Candle by Yankee Candle
Spiderweb Earrings by H&M (Cannot find link)
Witch Pins by PEI
The Sacred Tea Tumbler by Sacred Lotus Love
Box of Candles by Candle Charisma
The Witch Is In sign (Cannot find link)