Honeysuckle is probably one of my most favorite smells in the entire world. Growing up, there were bushes all over our farm. I can remember sitting beside them and carefully pulling the petals apart just to get that hint of a sugary taste. What I didn't know were the details about this plant and how to incorporate it into practice.
I decided to develop profiles on the herbs that I am working with. This information will be short and sweet, and hopefully help others as they begin foraging.
Name: Honeysuckle, Goat's Lead, Woodbine.
General Information: Honeysuckles are shrubs or vines with opposite oval-shaped leaves and their signature sweet-smelling tubular flowers.
Warnings: The flowers contain sweet nectar, but the fruit can be poisonous. Despite honeysuckles traditional medicinal uses and sweet reputation, some people have been known to develop contact dermatitis from handling the plant. Taken internally in large doses, the plant is emetic and toxic.
Other facts: There are more than 100 varieties of Lonicera, about a dozen of which are used medicinally.
​Honeysuckle flowers may be used in spells designed to determine the true worth of a person or thing.
Create a wreath of the flowering vines to encircle a money-drawing candle to increase its effectiveness.
Honeysuckle brought into a home will help ensure a good marriage for the people who live there.
Grow honeysuckle near your home to attract love, luck and wealth and to protect your garden from negative influences.
The scent of honeysuckle is said to clear the mind, stimulate psychic powers, sharpen intuition, encourage psychic dreams, sweeten any mood and stimulate generosity. A flower rubbed on the forehead is said to increase psychic abilities.
Please remember to always take precautions when foraging in the wild. Wear the proper attire, bring water, and be wary of plants that are in the same family as those that may cause an allergic reaction.
Happy herb finding!