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Finding Motivation through Self-Care

So, I have been neglectful to this blog, needless to say. And the only excuse I have excuse. I hate it.

It bothers me when people simply just don't do something. I could sit here and say, "But I was stressed out with work and I had so much going on and so on!" But making excuses isn't good for me. I just need to wipe my slate clean and get back on the road towards progress.

I spent the greater part of November and December focusing on me and my mind. I had not been in a good place for some time (maybe I will talk about it in a later post), and it was time for me to take care of myself. After a lot of introspective work, I can honestly say I am feeling great.

I am pretty inspired right now. Every new year, I find myself filled with the energy of new beginnings. However, I think 2019 is going to be special. I am using my creativity to really motivate myself. I have a lot of great things planned, including:

  • Starting the Witch Said What Podcast (the first episode is out now! You can find it here. And don't worry: I am working on getting it on iTunes and Spotify!)

  • Committing to low-carb lifestyle and joining a gym to help combat PCOS.

  • Working as the social media manager for

  • Studying a new language, and learning more about watercolor painting

  • Continuing work on my novel

Where did all this energy come from? SELF-CARE.

I know y'all are probably like

But for someone like me, self-care has never really been a thing. Don't get me wrong; I am self-indulgent AF, but when it comes to really unpacking things that hurt me and dealing with them, my coping mechanisms have been pretty rudimentary. I am the queen of compartmentalization; I can always worry about things later down the road.

After my rough October, I narrowed down areas in my life that needed my attention. Those included: physical, social, mental, spiritual, and intellectual. If you revisit the things I have planned for 2019, you will might see a pattern there.

It is easy for us to say, "Girl, go take a bath. Light a candle. Walk through nature. Yadda yadda."

But if you are anything like me, the idea of going deep into yourself and getting personal about things that make you uncomfortable is a pretty daunting task. That's why I started small. I started off every day by asking myself a different question that explored what I needed as a person.

Through the answers to these questions, I was able to find things that I needed in order to be a better human being...not only to others, but myself. I thought these would be great to share with you all. If you would like to take a 30 Day Self-Care Challenge, save the following graphic to your phone. You don't have to post to your social media like I have; you could journal or just keep the questions in mind throughout the next few days. If you do, tag your posts with #wswselfcare that way I can see your progress!


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