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Symbols in the Tarot

Over the years, I have come across several witches who seem to have a lot of trouble interpreting the Tarot. For whatever reason, they find the task daunting. Most of the time, they truly want to connect with their decks and give detailed readings for friends and clients, but they struggle to find the meanings behind all 78 cards.

I always point them in the direction of intuitive reading--which seems even harder in the beginning. I just ask them to trust me and to trust their own instinct. Why? Any diviner needs to rely on that inner world of theirs and the knowledge they have accrued over the years. We are the recipients of messages, symbols, and deep understanding whether or not we acknowledge it. The connections we share with the world around are vast and, sometimes, we don't even realize how close we truly are to the energy that surrounds us.

During my intuitive readings, I pay close attention to what symbology is sticking out to me. Sometimes one symbol is way more prominent than others; sometimes there are one or two that kind of shimmer in the background, as if to say "ooh, pick me!" My own experiences and understanding of the world has shaped the way I interpret said symbols.

Let's start with an example: pretend we have a card in front of us and it has a flame on it. Off the top of your head, list a few words that pop into your mind when you see fire.

I think of: heat, summer, red, passion, love, anger, burning.

And let's say that another image we pick up on the card is the rising sun. Dawn, to me, has always reminded me of new beginnings, resurrection, rebirth, and cycles.

If those were the two symbols that stood out to me during a reading, I might intuitively be picking up on the beginning of an intense emotional situation. I would ask the inquirer if they were experiencing said situation just to see if I was honing in on something not vocalized. The next time I read that card, those symbols might not stand out to me at all. It's important that we approach every reading with a clear head and a neutral mindset so as to better serve those asking questions.

Let's take a look at the Moon next. The Moon is the thirteenth card in the Major Arcana of the Tarot with some pretty significant meanings. Without even taking a look at standard interpretations (or peeking at the book that normally comes with a deck), I've picked out images that are sticking out to me. I list my initial feelings/ideas that come next to each symbol.

  • Number 13: Bad luck, Friday the 13th, spooky, darkness, harbinger.

  • Falling Stars: Shake-up, beauty, the divine becoming earthbound.

  • Obelisks: Ancient Egypt, honor, tradition, masculinity, power.

  • Crab: Defensive, sensitive, quick, adaptive.

  • Water: Cleansing, pure, giver of life, power, rebirth.

  • Wolves: Family-oriented, music, night, groups, fierce.

  • Mountains: Eternal, strength/fortitude, harsh, testing time.

  • Moon Phases: Change, darkness, night, mystery, spooky, cycles.

There is a lot that jumps out at me, but what is important to remember is that they won't ALL stand out during a reading. And when particular imagery does stick out? I lead with intuition. For example: let's say wolves and the crab were to be prominent during my observation of the card? I might ask the inquirer they have been having issues with their family where they might feel the need to be defensive.

According to, they interpret the Moon (upright) as the following:

On one hand, the Moon card can symbolize your imagination is taking the best of you. In the dark of the night, you are taking a path that you are unsure of, for there could be danger lurking in its depths. You are the crawfish embarking on the path in the card. The moon's light can bring you clarity and understanding and you should allow your intuition to guide you through this darkness.

You need to be aware of the situations that are causing fear and anxiety in your mind, whether it is now or in the future. It alerts you not to allow inner disturbances and self-deception to take the best of you. These deep memories and fears must be let go, and the negative energies must be released and turned into something constructive. Another reading of the Moon card is the existence of illusion. Some hidden truth must be discovered, for what you are seeing now may just be a trick of the light. You must search for the hidden forces that must be unraveled.

Symbols are going to mean different things to you and they won't always match what is in our books. Our perception of the world around us changes every day through experience. What one image may mean to me may be the opposite for you. The point is: you need to trust your instincts as a cartomancer. We need to go deeper when we are reading and not rely solely on what everyone else insists are the clear-cut meanings behind the cards.

Trust that gut feeling. It will be your greatest ally as a diviner.

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